Robin Kluttz Amber Reed Robin Kluttz Amber Reed

Emotional Identification: Why It's Just as Important for Adults 

To be able to connect our inner experience with our body’s physical sensations, label what the blend of this is, and respond effectively is one of the most powerful skills any individual can learn, I believe. On the other hand, it may be one of the rarest and hardest skills that many of us have never learned. This is called emotional identification and expression. 

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Robin Kluttz Amber Reed Robin Kluttz Amber Reed

Therapy: Expectations Versus Reality

You’ve seen the Instagram or Facebook memes that post what you expected something to turn out to be like (for instance, a really awesome cake you wanted to make for your kids’ birthday) versus what it actually came out to be like. Here are a few of my favorite examples:

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Robin Kluttz Amber Reed Robin Kluttz Amber Reed

How to Read A Book

Remember that We can decide what to do with the things that happen to us. In doing so, we use those boulders as an advantage, as a challenge to get around, instead of believing that nothing good can ever come of it and that our story is completely ruined.

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Robin Kluttz Amber Reed Robin Kluttz Amber Reed

The Aftermath: Valentine's Day Part 2

This post was supposed to be published on February 15, the day after Valentine’s Day. However, what I had planned to talk about in regards to this day was washed off the table when yet another mass shooting in a school took the lives of over 15 people.

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