Progress is not always linear: Don’t let it discourage you from your goals

Have you ever felt disappointed or given up on a goal because you thought you were “falling off track” or not progressing as you would have liked to? We often get discouraged when we do not see a linear progress in our goals, but realistically we will often face setbacks and growth will not happen overnight. Whether we are working on our healing process, healthy diet, fitness goals, career objectives, or any other personal goals, it is fundamental to remember that progress is rarely linear.   


When working on our goals, let’s take into account “The Iceberg Illusion.” This concept was created by Sylvia Duckworth, and it explains how when looking at other people’s accomplishments, we often see the end goal or the “tip of the iceberg” and we, at times, fail to see what’s below the surface; which includes persistence, disappointment, discipline, dedication, sacrifice, failure, and all the hard work required for the end goal. When looking at our personal goals, let’s remind ourselves of this illustration.  


Progress requires hard work, and as dedicated as we could be, sometimes life just happens. This year 2020 has been full of unexpected events. There would be obstacles along the path of progress and it is up to us to adjust and keep going.  


 I often review with clients their path of progress as they successfully accomplish their therapy goals. They often share how their healing journey was not linear, but was well worth it. At times, they felt they “regressed” before they progressed and often reminded themselves to trust the process. It is important to remember that every time we feel we are regressing, we are not going back to ground zero, but instead we are facing our fears, getting stronger, and every time we start from a higher baseline.  


“Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow”  



My personal and professional experiences have taught me to see challenges as opportunities for growth. I have witnessed how hurdles in life could be transformed into personal growth. When we experience difficulty accomplishing our goals, we can take it as an opportunity to identify the reasons for our setbacks, recover and implement ways to get back on course. Finding the source of our ‘stuckness’ can give us a better perspective of what is keeping us from accomplishing our end goals. We can always adapt as the wind shifts. Remember that slow progress is still progress and it begins with small steps.  

 Tips for not falling off track from your goals: 

  • Respect and trust the process. 

  • Be patient and practice self-compassion. 

  • Assess if your goals are realistic, adjust if needed. 

  • Set short-term goals within your long-term goal. 

  • Take your setbacks as an opportunity to reassess and grow. 

  • Celebrate small accomplishments. 

  • Focus on progress, not perfection. 

  • Remember that getting started on your goals takes courage and you already took the first step on your path of progress.  


Lin Chiu, BA


CBT: Reframe Your Thoughts


Ouch, World.