CBT: Reframe Your Thoughts

woman looking out

At the core of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the idea that our thoughts create our emotions and behaviors. Therefore, changing our thoughts can change our overall outlook on ourselves and the world around us.

Our thoughts and beliefs have been conditioned by our past experiences, teachings, and upbringing. The beliefs we hold related to our worth, ability, intelligence, or potential, have been on a consistent loop for so long we don’t give them a second thought. Therein lies the problem.

The work is in disrupting these old patterns of thought. How do we do that? First, we must recognize the maladaptive beliefs/thoughts we have. From there we introduce new stimuli to our awareness or affirmations that are supportive and loving. By exposing ourselves to this new type of stimuli we interrupt the old thinking patterns. With enough time, consistency, and devotion to this practice we can reframe our thoughts and beliefs, creating a new paradigm for our overall being.


Here’s an example of this in practice:

Old belief: “I have to be perfect.”

New belief: “Perfectionism doesn’t exist, I am whole as I am.”

Working to reframe our thoughts and beliefs is not easy. However, with mindfulness, time, consistency, patience, and compassion for self, the mind will shift.

This is radical work that goes against the norm of what we have been conditioned to belief about ourselves, and you’re worth the work.

Morgan Riley, LMSW


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