Forgiveness is Your Power Move

Everyone’s relationship to forgiveness is different, just like everyone’s reason to forgive is different. Forgiveness is a state of consciousness, not an action. Meaning, forgiveness is not about forgetting, but more about releasing the power of the pain that was caused. We might think that by withholding forgiveness, we hold the power. When actually, by releasing the grudge or pain we take back OUR power by dismissing the power the pain has over us. Forgiveness is for the benefit of us, not for the other person. Be free of unnecessary pain.  

When processing forgiveness use these three questions for an intentional reflection: 

Questions for reflection: 

  1. Am I holding onto this to punish someone or myself? 

  2. Am I avoiding the truth around why I am holding onto this? 

  3. Why am I choosing to hold onto these emotions? 

Of course this practice can be challenging, but when you release resentment you create space for internal peace, which you deserve. Give yourself the permission to release and notice the sense of peace and control you gain in return. 

Morgan Riley, LMSW

forgiveness is your power move

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