Comfort Zones & Confidence


Our comfort zone is the space that keeps us feeling safe and comfortable. Whenever we are on the edge of it we tend to feel uncomfortable, which can lead to us never leaving our zone of comfort. 

Yet, every time we step out of our comfort zone and do something that feels a bit scary, we expand our confidence by showing ourselves we can do hard things, things that may scare us. When we show up in this way, we show ourselves what we are capable of. 

Take therapy for example, coming to therapy stretches far beyond most people's comfort zones. Therapy requires a commitment to yourself, to show up, share your pain points with a stranger, and put in work to improve your life and circumstances. It absolutely can be scary and uncomfortable, yet every time you show up for your session, you are proving to yourself you can do it. You are building the confidence in yourself to do things that make you uncomfortable. 

Here are a few key components to leaving your comfort zone and building confidence:

  1. Releasing control - When we can accept what we cannot control and detach to the outcome, we are creating space for opportunities and growth that perhaps would not be available if we stayed within our comfort zone.

  2. Self trust - Having the trust in yourself to handle the unknown, to trust that you are capable even when you are uncomfortable.

  3. Bravery - Even when the fear to step out of your comfort zone is present, choosing to step out anyway.

  4. Growth mindset - A growth mindset is looking for ways to move yourself forward, to get unstuck.

  5. Perfectionism - Oftentimes perfectionism is a disguise for procrastination. This can look like constant worry to meet your impossible or unrealistic standards. Waiting for either ourselves or our circumstances to be perfect restricts us from moving forward. Perfect does not exist.

  6. Vulnerability - Choosing to show up and put yourself out there (even before you feel ready) is a key to building confidence.

Morgan Riley, LMSW


Boundaries: How far can I go?


Mind, Body, & Pleasure